3 Day Kettlebell Program

3-Day Kettlebell Program To Lose Weight At Home

FREE Calorie-Torching Kettlebell Program, Only One Kettlebell Needed!

  • Burn up to 400 calories in only 20 minutes with these proven at-home kettlebell workouts
  • Jumpstart your weight loss goals and finish your workout in the time it would take you to get to the gym
  • Rapid results - ideal for busy people who want to get lean and toned with limited time

My results, lost 30 pounds, gained lean muscle

Since I started training with kettlebells I've lost 30 pounds. More importantly, I have gained lean and toned muscle, something I never thought would be possible for me!  It wouldn't be an overstatement to say it changed my life, and I can't wait to hear how it will change yours too. 

Julia is in the best shape of her life

The results for me have been amazing.  I went from swinging a 15-lb kettlebell to deadlifting 136 pounds (more than I weigh).  I’ve never felt better, and I’m so grateful for all of Haylee’s help and support.  I’m in better shape now in my mid (OK, late) 30s than I ever was before. 

Amy lost over 18 pounds for her wedding

3 months before my wedding, I needed to ramp up my fitness and weight loss journey from the previous year.  Haylee introduced me to kettlebells, and I took to the full-body involvement!  

Eric lost 15 pounds and is stronger than ever

I have lost roughly 15lbs and I’m down two belt loops! I have a new technique, not just in lifting, but in my every day movements from lifting & carrying objects to walking long distances.

Sahira was able to tone her whole body

Working with Haylee, I have toned up parts of my body that I have never seen change or definition in before! I gained muscle and lost inches around my waist area. Working with kettlebells has made me see change in my body that I have never seen before. Thank you Haylee!

What My Clients Are Saying...

The fastest changes I've noticed in my body have been through training with Haylee and following her kettlebell workouts. Within just a few weeks of training, I noticed definition and toning in my (until then) trouble areas: arms, glutes and legs. Through kettlebell training with Haylee I've lost body fat and gained lean muscle!- Nikki S. 

I love working with Haylee! I've trained with Haylee for years. She listens to what issues and concerns you have and motivates you in the best way to be the best version of yourself.  I not only gained some sexy muscles, I also gained an amazing trainer and friend! - Kathleen D. 

Haylee is exceptional at her craft. I had never swung a kettlebell before meeting her and now it's my go-to workout! What stood out most to me was her genuine interest in me! She got to know me and really understand not only my fitness goals, but what made me tick as a person. And the results - how I felt about myself and the way I looked - was unreal. Haylee is an exceptional trainer! - Karolyn S. 

I really enjoyed working with Haylee. Thank you Haylee for coaching me to feel strong and move functionally, safely and powerfully. - Eleanor M.

3-Day Kettlebell Program To Lose Weight At Home

Get Started On Your Fastest Way To A Lean Body

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Haylee Adrienne Fitness - 3226 32nd Street, Queens, NY 11106